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Friday, July 16, 2010


About a week ago, I came to realize that I needed a more professional, organized, and comprehensive one-stop home on the web. I did not think that I had time to keep a blog anymore, so I just wanted a place to dump all of my social media feeds on to one page. I began to search for a service that would allow me to create a professional looking social media hub.

I could not find a free service that did this well. They either didn't update fast enough or looked like a generic profile page.

So, after much thought, I decided to redesign this blog with a new template that would make it look more professional and make it more comprehensive. I don't think that it will take that much time out of my busy schedule to update this blog with opinions and blurbs every once and awhile. Maybe more than once in awhile depending on how much down time I have in between looking for work and continuing my education.