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Sunday, October 3, 2010

My First Book

It's been about a year since I started jotting down notes for what would become my first book. I'm proud to now be able to say that those notes have turned in to a completed book and that the book will be out soon! The only things that I have to work on now is getting ready for the release and submitting it for publishing.

This book will be self-published via Lulu. If the book does well, I will see that it gets put on amazon and other online or even bricks and mortar shops.

Due to the nature of the book, it will be sold in a physical pocket book format only. I'm sorry to those who live in the digital world, but it does not make sense for my book to be published in e-book format. The best that I can explain why I am not opting for the e-book format is that this book is meant to be able to survive anything. My book must not be reliant on electricity nor be bulky in any sense of the word.

I will be able to say more once I've submitted the book for publishing and I'm simply not ready (financially) to publish it, yet. It takes money to publish a book on your own. I am a first time author, so there was no advance or anything of the sort. However, I will be publishing the book by the beginning of next year at the very latest. At the very most, it will be a few short months before the first copies are available for sale.