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Sunday, November 14, 2010


I know I haven't been keeping this blog up to date recently but I really want this to be my home on the web so I'm going to do the best I can to change this. Even if there are only small updates to share, I plan to post it here if I can't share it within the confines of 140 characters. That doesn't mean that I'm giving up on long posts. If I have something on my mind that I find myself really passionate about, I will get around to posting it. It's just that I have been busy and I have felt that long posts were needed in a blog. I'm going to do my best to get over that feeling, though, so this place doesn't look so neglected.

So what's been going on since the release of my first book? Not a whole lot that I can talk about, unfortunately. I do have another book planned, but that's going to be a few years off. I plan to start seriously pushing my book this holiday season and see what I can do to make people aware of it. However, what I've been focusing on now is my personal life. I've been under a ton of stress and I've been doing my best to deal with it. However, I'm not the only one dealing with stress. That is why I decided to bring in some holiday cheer a little early and bought a tree for the apartment.

I've been updating my Twitpic account with the decoration process. This is the first holiday tree that I've owned. I wasn't allow to have one growing up because my family believed that Christmas traditions were derived from pagan traditions. Well, they were right and I've been a pagan since my early teens. It was past time for me to enjoy one of these pretty marvels for myself.