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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I Haz A Pet

It's been a little over two years but I finally have a pet again. As you can see, it's a hermit crab. The fact that the apartment complex I've been living in charges people for pets and the fact that I'm on a shoe string budget has kept me from owning a cat again but this little guy is super cheap to feed, easy to take care of, and hermit crabs don't mess up carpets. With the amount of work I do, owning a cat would be more of a nuisance than anything anyway since they demand constant attention. This little guy doesn't demand anything but privacy. I am trying to get him used to the idea of being handled, though. So far he just jumps in his shell whenever he so much as sees anyone. It makes it hard to get a picture of him, if it's a him. I don't really know the gender, but I started picking out guy names and myself and my girlfriend settled on the name Merlin. Maybe I should have gone with Gandalf, though. The next shell he's likely to transfer to is white.