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Saturday, April 23, 2011

So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish

So my short stint at LockerGnome seems to be over. Since the move of the site to a new platform, I have not been able to post to the site and my blog seems to have disappeared along with the content that I worked hard on. I can't seem to get a response from the one person at LockerGnome who can help. It's seems like I was just left behind and ignored during the move. So much for feeling like a part of a family. I've given this a few weeks to resolve before I said anything publicly. I appreciate the opportunity to be heard by a larger audience that the LockerGnome blog network provided me, but I think it's time to say my peace and move on.

I'm currently working a full time job while going to school full time. However, this is not a permanent situation and I have solo creative plans that I'm currently thinking up. I may join another collaborative effort in the future, but for now I want to do things on my terms whether they are successful or not. Creativity knows no boundaries, especially on the Internet.